网站首页 » 明末穿越小说排行 » 第7章 风见忆彤
第7章 风见忆彤

  Attitude Determines Everything态度决定一切People who have a positive attitude will live with hope and strive hard, but negative attitude will influence someone in where he is directing to.拥有乐观态度的人会满怀希望地生活,但是消极的态度会影响人所要前进的方向。Here, I would like to further illustrate this by showing everyone a video.在这里,我想请大家观看一个视频来进一步阐述此观点。Although this is a funny video, but I would like to demonstrate that our lea**ing jou**ey is very subjective, our own attitude is conducting our own behaviour. We should lea** with an upright attitude and treat our results optimistically, and not do nothing till the eleventh hour or even cheat in the exams.虽然这是一个搞笑的视频,但我表示的是,我们的学习过程是非常主观的,我们自身的态度左右着我们自身的行动。我们应该以正直的态度来学习,乐观地对待成绩,而不是临渴掘井亦或是考试作弊。Life is so beautiful, we shouldstay optimistic and hope for things which are uplifting.生活是如此美好,我们应该保持乐观并渴望所有令人开心的事物。



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